Start accepting Algo payments

Easy payments on the most reliable blockchain payment infrastructure available

Payments for every business
Easy to integrate - using our API or one of our compatible integrations.
Fast and secure
Leveraging the full Algorand blockchain for fast and secure payments.
Payments are direct from sender and receiver - no middleman involved.
Sharply priced
Pay as your grow. No upfront costs or monthly memberships.

Payments made simple

Get access to fast and secure payments via the Algorand blockchain. Andpay makes it easy to integrate within your own services, platforms or apps. Using our API or soon to be launched apps & integrations.

Get paid in Algo, USDt, YLDY..

Supporting many Algorand Standard Assets. Customers can pay directly within their known wallets supporting Algorand.

Simplicity upfront

With a clean and easy to understand UI, we make it that simple for consumers to pay you in Algo.

Ready to create your first payment request? Free to use